10/24 NY State Council on the Arts grant.
09/24 VCCA Moulin à Nef Center residency, France.
10/23 Fear the Fear screened at the Guanajuato International Experimental Film Festival, Mexico.
10/23 Supersymmetry screened at the Athens International Experimental Film Festival, Greece.
07/23 Supersymmetry wins the Merit Award in the Experimental category at the University Film and Video Association Juried Competition, Savannah, GA.
11/22 Supersymmetry screened on television in the UK, Inheritance Film Festival.
11/22 Visiting Artist, SUNY New Paltz, NY.
10/22 Visiting Artist, New Jersey City University, NJ.
10/22 Visiting Artist, University of New Mexico, NM.
10/22 Visiting Artist, Rutgers University, NJ.
02/22 Supersymmetry installation at the Loeb Gallery, Vassar College, NY.
02/20 Supersymmetry installation at the FL3X Gallery, Texas State University, TX.
10/19 Visiting Artist, Dartmouth College, NH.
09/18 Minimentals screened at Boog Poetry Festival, NY.
09/18 Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology, London, UK.
08/18 MARFICI, Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata, Argentina.
06/18 Supersymmetry presented as work-in-progress at Polar18 Conference, Davos, Switzerland.
06/18 Willapa Bay Artist Residency, WA.
11/17 Visiting Artist, International Center for Photography, NY.
09/17 Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, MA.
06/17 AXW Festival screening, Anthology Film Archives, NY.
06/17 Millay Colony for the Arts Fellowship.
05/17 Greenpoint Film Festival, Panel on short shorts.
04/17 Minimentals acquired by Texas State University for the permanent collection.
04/17 Visiting Artist, Montclair State University, NJ.
03/17 Lactoplié exhibited in conjunction with the reACT Symposium on Arts and Environment, Brown University.
11/16 Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship, Italy.
10/16, Brown University, RI.
08/16 Panelist, NY State Council on the Arts.
06/16 Lumen Festival of New Media and Performance, NY.
06/16 Interview on WBAI Radio, State of the Arts, NY.
05/16 I-Park Residency, CT.
05/16 Video Eye Lounge, Texas State University, Austin, TX.
03/16 Cy Twombly Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, VA.
08/15 Archimedes’ Bathtub, Lorimoto Gallery, NY.
06/15 Mentor in NYFA's Immigrant Artist Program.
04/15 Works and Days Quarterly, Online magazine.
02/15 FlexFest, Florida Experimental Film Festival, FL.
11/14 Garden of DeLight, Anthology Film Archives, NY.
10/14 Arctic Circle Program Residency, Svalbard.
09/14 Visiting Artist, Bard College, NY.
06/14 Mentor in NYFA's Immigrant Artist Program.
06/14 Speculation(Elation), Parsons Hall Project Space, Holyoke, MA.
05/14 Djerassi Foundation Residency, CA.
04/14 Tooth and Nail, Vanity Projects, NY.
03/14 Visiting Artist, Colgate University, NY.
10/13 It’s a Small World, article by Susan Froyd, Westword, Denver weekly, CO.
10/13 Visiting Artist, Oberlin College, OH.
10/13 Personal Cinema series, University of Colorado Boulder, CO.
10/13 Talking Transition, Duarte Square, NY.
09/13 What is a photograph? Photoville, Dumbo Arts Festival, NY.
07/13 Meet a NYFA Artist, Interview by James Ciano in Current, NY Foundation for the Arts.
07/13 Minimentals Performance, Microscope Gallery, NY.
06/13 Lumen Festival of New Media and Performance, NY.
05/13 NY State Council on the Arts Grant.
03/13 Queens World Film Festival, NY.
02/12 Publication of the media studies textbook The Film Experience (Corrigan and White), 3rd edition. Minimentals discussed.